
Aug 1, 2021    Mike Vasquez

The Lies of Shame We Listen to:

"I am not loved"

"Worth comes from what you can provide for others"

"Love is earned"

"I am nothing"

"The real me isn't worthy of love"

"If I make a mistake, I am a failure"

Shame Definition: A painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, SHORTCOMING, or impropriety

Romans 3:9-20

ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

God says we have all sinned. Shame comes from our consciousness of guilt, or shortcoming. That sin has been paid for through the blood of Jesus. It’s washed away.

1 John 1-2:11

1. V1-4 Jesus has been revealed. The apostles, the eyewitnesses of Jesus life, death and resurrection (specifically here, John), are sharing what they have been told and what they have witnessed so that we (the next generation) might hear, believe, and follow Jesus and join in the fellowship of God’s family.

2. V5 God is light

a. Walk in the light

i. Keep Jesus' Commands

ii. Love One Another

b. Darkness is passing away

i. We are God's Victorious Children

ii. Don't Love the World

c. Beware of False Teachers

i. Know the Truth

- Jesus is King

ii. Do what is Right

1 John 5:18-21

1. We are in Christ Jesus. He is the true God and eternal life. 

2. Shame stems from something we have done. Perhaps people finding out about it, or finding out that we’re not really what they think.

3. Confess sin, bring it into the light.