2400 AVENUE P -- HONDO -- 830-426-5506

Hondo First Baptist Church School Operational Policies

Our facility is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Children of all faiths and races are welcome.
DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: The program is under the sponsorship and control of the church. The program is to expand the services of the church into the community by providing a program which will foster the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual growth of a child in a happy, Christian environment. Its curriculum provides opportunities for worship and for other experiences that help broaden a child's religious and spiritual concepts. All faiths and races are welcome. Enrollment each school year is specifically for children who are four years old by September 1st for Pre-K or three years old for 3-K classes. Class sizes are limited to 12 per teacher.
ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES: Upon receipt of pre-enrollment form, a copy of birth certificate, and materials fee, your child will be pre-enrolled in HFBCS. In July, or upon pre-enrollment (after July 1st), you will receive a packet of paperwork that must be filled out and completed by the first day of school in order for your child to be enrolled in the school. This may be turned in at parent orientation or on the first day of school. This will include the registration form with signed statement that you have received a copy of our operational policies, medical form, and copy of immunizations.
: Hondo First Baptist Church School does not employ special education teachers or staff. We do not offer special education classes or resources in school, nor do we guarantee the implementation of an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) recommended by another school or educational sources. When the Church School director and/or teacher(s) discover that a child enrolled or to be enrolled has a special need(s) that can not be met and/or served by the School in its current capacity, the Church School Committee will decide on a case-by-case review of said special needs child, and the Committee will make the final decision. Any modification is based on individual needs determined by school personnel with input from parents and approval by the Church School Committee.
SCHOOL HOURS: School hours are from 8:00 am to Noon, Monday - Friday. Children may be left beginning at 7:45 am and must be picked up by 12:10 pm. We will basically follow the Hondo ISD school calendar in reference to holidays and teacher workdays. A school calendar will be given at parent orientation or on the first day of school.
TUITION: Tuition is $2,350.00 for the year, (divided into 10 equal payments of $235.00 beginning at parent orientation in August), with a $100.00 materials fee per semester. There will be overtime charges of $.50 per day if children are left at school before 7:50 am or picked up after 12:10 pm. If a child is left past 12:30 pm, a fee of $10.00 per hour will be assessed, minimum charge $10.00. Tuition is due by the 7th day of each month. When a second child is enrolled in the same year, tuition for that child will be $205.00 per month.
When tuition for a child is one full month in arrears, the parents of the child will be asked to remove the child from the school.
ARRIVAL, DISMISSAL, EARLY RELEASE: Each day your child must be left in the presence of a staff member and you must sign your child in on his/her class's sign-in sheet, designating time arrived and who will pick the child up. We must have a written list of those persons authorized to pick up your child. A child must be signed out with a signature and a departure time on the class sign-in sheet, if leaving before Noon. If the person picking your child up is unknown to staff, we will ask for identification, (i.e.—drivers license). If there is a change in pick-up information noted on the sign-in sheet, please notify the school office as soon as possible.
ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT: Cognitive development is promoted through hands-on activities designed to encourage proper communication skills, reading readiness, math concepts and an interest in the world about us. Paper and pencil activities are used after participation in the hands-on experiences.
ACTIVITIES AND EQUIPMENT: ART includes painting, coloring, cutting and pasting.
Music includes singing, rhythm, games, records, etc. Recreation includes outdoor play (large and small muscle development) and indoor play (educational toys, puzzles, directed play). Bible and secular stories, dramatic activities and audiovisual aids are used.
Hondo First Baptist Church School strongly believes in and supports the need for physical activity each day.

When children participate in physical activity every day, multiple health benefits accrue. Regular physical activity builds healthy bones and muscles, improves muscular strength and endurance, reduces the risk for developing chronic disease risk factors, improves self-esteem, and reduces stress and anxiety. Beyond these known health effects, physical activity may also have beneficial influences on academic performance. In addition, cognitive skills and motor skills appear to develop through a dynamic interaction. Research has shown that physical movement can affect the brain’s physiology.

Hondo First Baptist Church School will promote all children’s active play every day. Children will have ample opportunity to do moderate to vigorous activities, such as running, climbing, dancing, skipping, and jumping, to the extent of their abilities. Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten children will participate a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous active play each day.
All children will participate each day in:
- Active play outdoors when weather permits.
- Structured or teacher-led activities and games that promote movement.
- Continuous opportunities to develop and practice age-appropriate gross motor and movement skills.
Physical activity may take place in the classroom or on the playground, as weather permits. When weather conditions prohibit outdoor play, physical activities will occur in the classroom during the scheduled outside time. Classroom teachers have activities planned in advance for “rainy days”.

When participating in physical activity, children’s clothing should protect them from sun exposure and permit easy movement (not too loose and not too tight) that enables full participation in active play. Footwear should provide support for running and climbing. Hats may be worn to protect children from sun exposure.
Examples of appropriate clothing/footwear include:
· Gym shoes or sturdy shoe equivalent
· Clothing for the weather, such as a lightweight, breathable jacket without any hood and neck strings.
Examples of inappropriate clothing/footwear include:
· Footwear that can come off while running or that provide insufficient support for climbing.
· Clothing that can catch on playground equipment, such as those with drawstrings or loops.

Research indicates children receive the greatest developmental benefits from attending learning centers which offer a variety of activities addressing emotional, social, intellectual, and physical development. A planned but flexible program that allows children to make decisions about their activities fosters independence and creative expression.
• Outdoor play provides for greater freedom and flexibility, fuller expression through loud talk, and a greater range of active movement. Outdoor play also extends opportunities for large muscle development, social-emotional development, and small muscle development by offering variety, challenge, and complexity in ways that are not attainable in a confined indoor space.
• There is no set amount of time that children must play outdoors in the morning and afternoon. It is recommended that children ages 18 months and older should be allowed 60 to 90 total minutes of outdoor time each day.
• Part-day centers open six hours or less, may offer a single outdoor time. Best practice is to offer 20 minutes of outdoor play for every three hours that children may be in care.

Reference: Texas Health and Human Services
Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers
Subchapter F
746.2206, Developmental Activities and Activity Plan

PARENT ORIENTATION:  Prior to the first day of school an orientation will be held with the director to help acquaint you with the policies and purpose of our school. The delivery and pick up pattern of the children will be explained at this time.
CLOTHING: Comfortable play clothing is highly recommended. Coats and sweaters should have name labels. There are to be no toys, jewelry, etc. sent to school with the children except on show and tell days. The teachers will notify you of these days in advance. We provide toys for the children. Jewelry tends to get lost or broken.
CONFERENCES: Special conferences may be scheduled when needed.
SNACK TIME: Parents will provide mid-morning snacks unless otherwise notified. Meals are not served at the school.
VISITORS: We love visitors but anyone who wants to visit must check in at the office. No visitors under the age of 18.
PARENT VOLUNTEERS: Parents are welcome to volunteer at the school and are encouraged to do so. You are required to fill out a volunteer form and submit to a criminal background check. Details will be given at the parent’s orientation.
IMMUNIZATIONS: Each child enrolled must meet applicable immunization requirements specified by the Texas Department of Health Immunization Requirements. All immunizations required for the child’s age must be completed by the date of admission. If there is a special reason for the immunization not to be done, a note from the child’s physician must be given to the school to be kept in the child’s file. Please submit the child’s original shot record for us to make a copy of, or a copy of shot record with physician’s office verification stamp. More information on immunizations may be obtained from the Texas Department of Health Internet website at www.tdh.state.tx.us/immunize, or from your local health department.
VISION AND HEARING SCREENINGS: All children 4 years and older must have a vision and hearing screening as required by the Special Senses and Communication Disorders Act, Texas Health and Safety Code. Parents are responsible for all screenings.
ILLNESS AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA: We will not admit an ill child for care if one or more of the following exists:
1. The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in child-care center activities including outdoor play;
2. The illness results in a greater need for care than caregivers can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other children in care;
3.  The child has one of the following, unless medical evaluation by a health-care professional indicates that you can include the child in the child-care center's activities:
      A. Oral temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness;
      B. Rectal temperature of 101.4 degrees or greater, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness;
      C. Armpit temperature of 99.4 degrees or greater, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness; or
       D. Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness such as lethargy, abnormal breathing, uncontrolled diarrhea, two or more vomiting episodes in 24 hours, rash with fever, mouth sores with drooling, behavior changes, or other signs that the child may be severely ill; or

4. A health-care professional has diagnosed the child with a communicable disease, and the child does not have medical documentation to indicate that the child is no longer contagious.
If critical illness or injury requires immediate attention of a physician, staff will:
1. Contact emergency medical services or take the child to the nearest emergency room
2.  Give the child first-aid treatment or CPR when needed
3.  Contact the physician identified in the child's record
4.  Contact the child's parent; and
5.  Ensure supervision of other children in the group.
If a child becomes ill while at Church School, staff will:
1.  Contact the parent to pick up the child.
2.  Care for the child apart from other children.
3.  Give appropriate attention and supervision until the parent picks the child up; and  
4. Give extra attention to hand washing and sanitation if the child has diarrhea or vomiting.
NOTIFICATIONS TO PARENTS:   After staff ensures the safety of the child, staff must notify the parent immediately after a child:
1. Is injured and the injury requires medical attention by a health-care professional;
2. Has a sign or symptom requiring exclusion from the child-care center as specified in Subchapter R of Minimum Standards (relating to Health Practices); and as in the Illness Section of this policy;
3. Has been involved in any situation that placed the child at risk. For example, a caregiver forgetting a child in a center vehicle or not preventing a child from wandering away from the child-care center unsupervised; or
4. Has been involved in any situation that renders the child-care center unsafe, such as a fire, flood, or damage to the  child-care center as a result of severe weather.
Staff will notify the parent of less serious injuries when the parent picks the child up from the child-care center. Less serious injuries include, but are not limited to; minor cuts, scratches, and bites from other children requiring first-aid treatment by employees. Staff will notify all parents of children in the child-care center in writing and within 48 hours of becoming aware that a child in care or an employee has contracted a communicable disease that the law requires staff to report to the Texas Department of Health. Staff will provide written notice within 48 hours to the parents of all children in a group when there is an outbreak of lice or other infestation in the group. Staff will post this notice in a prominent and publicly accessible place where parents can easily view it or send an individual note to each parent.
MEDICATION: Medication may be given only upon receiving parent's written permission. It
must be given to the Director in the original container with directions for administering it. Any
Conditions requiring on-going administration of medicine should be called to the attention of the
Director at the time of registration. Medication not given at school but left to be transported to other facilities must also be in original container as well and left in the school office with the Director.
TRANSPORTATION: At parent’s request, transportation will be provided for children enrolled in a licensed child care facility for a fee of $35.00 per month, per child, or $4.00 per day for occasional riders to these facilities. These fees are subject to change.
WORSHIP: A chapel service will be conducted weekly. Family and visitors are cordially invited.
FIELD TRIPS:  Children are taken on a number of field trips during the year with parent permission (on enrollment form). The children will be transported in the Church Bus and in parent vehicles. A special permission slip will be sent home for out-of-town field trips. Parents are asked to help on these occasions.
ANIMALS: Live animals are not to be brought to the school without prior consent of the school staff. If a live animal is to visit the school, a notification of the visit and permission slip (that must be signed and returned before child will be allowed contact with the animal) will be sent at least 48 hours before the visit. The following animals are not allowed at the school: chickens, ducks, and reptiles such as snakes, turtles, lizards, iguanas, and amphibians such as frogs and toads. Visiting animals must have current proof of vaccination and health statement.
BIRTHDAY PARTIES: If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday in class, you may bring special treats for the class(es). If your child's birthday falls when school is not in session, then we will arrange a "free date" if you like.
DISCIPLINE: In order to provide an environment conducive to intellectual and spiritual growth,
we have guidelines for student behavior, which gives every child an opportunity to benefit from an optimum learning environment. Our concept of discipline is as follows:
1. Children will participate in making rules for behavior that will promote a happy atmosphere for all in the classroom and on the playground.
2. Teachers will give positive reinforcement of good behavior including praise, progression to another activity and occasionally a token reward.
3.  When reprimands are necessary, the following measures will be taken:
                       a. The student will be removed from group activity but kept in the group area.
                       b. The student will be denied use of misused equipment or material.
                       c. The student will be removed from the group area to the director's office and the parents may be contacted.
                       d. If the behavior does not improve, the parents will be called and asked to come for a conference with the teacher(s) and the director.
                       e. The child may be suspended from classes for period of time to be decided by the teacher(s) and director. It will be a minimum of two days.
            f. If after suspension, the student's disruptive behavior continues, the teachers, Director, and the Church School Committee will discuss the problem, possibly concluding that the child should be removed from the school for the remainder of the school year. No tuition will be refunded, regardless of the length of time of enrollment.
There must be no harsh, cruel, or unusual treatment of any child. The following types of discipline and guidance are prohibited:
           1. Corporal punishment or threats of corporal punishment;
           2. Punishment associated with food, naps, or toilet training;
           3. Pinching, shaking, or biting a child;
           4. Hitting a child with a hand or instrument;
           5. Putting anything in or on a child's mouth;
           6. Humiliating, ridiculing, rejecting, or yelling at a child;
PRIVACY POLICY: It is the practice of Hondo First Baptist Church School to protect the privacy of the child enrolled in the school. We do share information with our pastor. No other information concerning the child or his/her parents will be given to an individual without written permission of the parents or legal guardians.
CHURCH SCHOOL IS A DESIGNATED GANG-FREE ZONE: As a result of House Bill 2086 that passed during the 81st legislature, Chapter 42 of the Human Resource code was amended to include Section 42.064 requiring all licensed childcare facilities to be designated as a gang-free zone. All parents and guardians need to be informed that certain gang-related criminal activity or engaging in organized criminal activity within 1000 feet of the First Baptist Church School is a violation of this law and is therefore subject to increased penalty. Rev 09/21/2009
LICENSING REVIEW OF POLICIES AND REPORTS: You may review a copy of the minimum standards for childcare centers by requesting a copy from the Church School office. You may also review a copy of our latest inspection report. It is posted in the hall by the school office at all times.
You may contact the Local Licensing office in Uvalde, TX by calling 830-591-4343. To report abuse, call the PRS Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400. For other information about TDFPS, you may visit their website at www.tdfps.state.tx.us/childcare.  
If you have any questions or wish to discuss these policies with the Director, you may call the school office and set up an appointment. Any changes or additions to policies will be sent in writing after approval by the Church School Committee and First Baptist Church.
Revised 11 30 2009