
Jul 18, 2021    Mike Vasquez


Summer Baggage - Anger 

1. Is Anger a Sin?

a. Anger is not sin, but unchecked/prolonging anger will lead to sin.

b. Consuming alcohol is not a sin, but unchecked/prolonging consumption will lead to sin.

c. A look is not sin, but an unchecked/prolonging look will lead to sin.

d. Being tempted is not sin, but unchecked/prolonged temptation will lead to sin.

2. How should we handle our anger? 

a. Quickly

i. Take every thought captive (2 Cor 10)

ii. Don’t let the sun go down (Eph 4)

iii. Anger unchecked will fester and grow into bitterness, bitterness will grow into resentment, resentment can grow into malice and malice into wrath. 

iv. Vengeance is the Lord’s (Romans 12:19)

3. Righteous Anger vs Sinful Anger 

a. Righteous Anger Is about:

i. Sin (Jesus tossing temple tables)

ii. Concerns (David and Goliath)

- Are we more concerned about how we’ve been wronged or how God’s been wronged?

- Are we more concerned about God’s kingdom or our own?

iii. Godly Expression

- Righteous anger is a controlled anger that moves toward good and specific ends.