Warning Against Worldliness

Nov 26, 2023    Mike Vasquez

Journal Question: What/who do you look to for fulfillment?

I. The Problem (4:1-3)

a. Your passions are at war within you

i. You quarrel & fight

b. You desire and do not have

i. You murder

c. You covet and cannot obtain

i. You fight & quarrel

d. You do not ask

i. You do not have

e. You ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions

i. You ask and do not receive 

II. The Rebuke (4:4-6)

a. “You ADULTEROUS people!”

i. Unfaithful, faithless, disloyal, TWO-TIMING

b. “Friendship with the WORLD is ENMITY with God.”

i. Being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something

c. “God OPPOSES the proud but gives grace to the humble”

i. Disapproves of and attempts to prevent

III. The Solution (4:7-12)

a. Submit yourselves to God

b. Draw near to God

i. He will draw near to you

c. Cleanse your hands, purify your hearts 

d. Be wretched, mourn, and weep

e. Humble yourselves before the Lord

i. He will exalt you